



自从上次 逃离hostdare 以后,我一直在物色新的服务器,眼看着 12月24号 的到期日越来越近,我有点急了。

虽然已经买了一年的 cloudcone 三周年灵车以防万一,但随便一搜就知道,毕竟是超售王嘛。


kimsufi 的价格摆在那里,机器肯定不会太好的,我找的是北美(加拿大)的 ks-7

KS-7 Server - Intel i3 2130 - 8Go DDR3 1333 MHZ - 2TB   €8.99 /month   $10.99 /month








From: [email protected]
To: You

Good day!

In order to proceed through the validation, I'd invite you to provide us
with these documents :

1- An official Identification card provided by the government of your
state or country.
2- A utility bill stating your name and address that is not older than 2
months (A gas, phone, bank or any other utility bill)

Please take note that none of the field should be blackened and that it
should be in color so we can validate the documents.

Once your account is validated, your order will proceed normally.

OVH Validation Team

就是要验证身份嘛,那就提交咯,翻出很久以前拍的护照的照片,再随便去运营商那里打印了一个月的账单,发了过去,很快又收到一封邮件,大意就是我们收到你的邮件了,我们的验证团队会尽(gu)快(gu)验证信息并给答复,顺便贴心地提醒他们是 755 的工作时间: Please note that our validation team is available Monday to Friday from 7:30am to 5pm Eastern Standard Time (UTC -5).


很顺手就选了 Ubuntu Server 20.10 "Groovy Gorilla" (64bits),装上 transimission 挂上前几天申请的北洋园的种子,再申请了一个 hentai@home 用 挂上,然后后台挂ftp拖主服务器的文件。


LemonBench Server Test Tookit 20201005 Intl BetaVersion (C)iLemonrain. All Rights Reserved.
 [Info] Bench Start Time: 2020-12-05 03:15:25
 [Info] Test Mode: Full Mode

 -> System Information

 OS Release:            Ubuntu 20.10 (Groovy Gorilla)   (x86_64)
 CPU Model:             Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-2130 CPU @ 3.40GHz  2.75~3.03 GHz
 CPU Cache Size:        3072 KB
 CPU Number:            1 Physical CPU, 2 Cores, 4 Threads
 VirtReady:             Yes (Based on VT-x)
 Virt Type:             Dedicated with Intel Corp. BIOS
 Memory Usage:          947.72 MB / 7.67 GB
 Swap Usage:            474.35 MB / 512.00 MB
 Boot Device:           /dev/sda1
 Disk Usage:            154.97 GB / 1.92 TB
 CPU Usage:             3.2% used, 19.4% iowait, 0.0% steal
 Load (1/5/15min):      1.42 1.30 1.25 
 Uptime:                5 Days, 15 Hours, 41 Minutes, 19 Seconds
 Kernel Version:        5.8.0-29-generic
 Network CC Method:     bbr + fq

 -> Network Infomation

 IPV4 - IP Address:     [CA] *
 IPV4 - ASN Info:       AS16276 (OVH - OVH SAS, FR)
 IPV4 - Region:         Canada Quebec Beauharnois
 -> Media Unlock Test 
 HBO Now:                               No
 Bahamut Anime:                         No
 Abema.TV:                              No
 Princess Connect Re:Dive Japan:        No
 BBC:                                   No
 BiliBili China Mainland Only:          No
 BiliBili Hongkong/Macau/Taiwan:        No
 Bilibili Taiwan Only:                  No

 -> CPU Performance Test (Standard Mode, 3-Pass @ 30sec)

 1 Thread Test:                 1019 Scores
 4 Threads Test:                2996 Scores

 -> Memory Performance Test (Standard Mode, 3-Pass @ 30sec)

 1 Thread - Read Test :         20348.97 MB/s
 1 Thread - Write Test:         13635.86 MB/s

 -> Disk Speed Test (4K Block/1M Block, Direct-Write)

 Test Name              Write Speed                             Read Speed
 10MB-4K Block          2.8 MB/s (689 IOPS, 3.71s)              3.8 MB/s (928 IOPS, 2.76s)
 10MB-1M Block          254 MB/s (241 IOPS, 0.04s)              158 MB/s (150 IOPS, 0.07s)
 100MB-4K Block         54.7 MB/s (0.07 IOPS, 1.92s))           68.8 MB/s (16792 IOPS, 1.52s)
 100MB-1M Block         199 MB/s (190 IOPS, 0.53s)              84.4 MB/s (80 IOPS, 1.24s)
 1GB-4K Block           5.4 MB/s (1321 IOPS, 193.65s)           7.8 MB/s (1900 IOPS, 134.68s)
 1GB-1M Block           66.3 MB/s (63 IOPS, 15.82s)             33.9 MB/s (32 IOPS, 30.96s)

 -> Network Speed Test

 Node Name                      Upload Speed    Download Speed  Ping Latency    Server Name
 Speedtest Default              11.15 MB/s      11.19 MB/s      7.32 ms         FibreStream (Canada Toronto, ON)
 China, Nanjing CU              2.20 MB/s       9.17 MB/s       275.92 ms       China Unicom (China Nanjing)
 China, Shanghai CU             8.96 MB/s       8.96 MB/s       321.13 ms       China Unicom 5G (China ShangHai)
 China, Hangzhou CT             Fail: Timeout Exceeded after 60 seconds
 China, Nanjing CT              11.07 MB/s      11.59 MB/s      245.20 ms       China Telecom JiangSu 5G (China Nanjing)
 China, Guangzhou CT            0.34 MB/s       6.06 MB/s       266.12 ms       ChinaTelecom 5G (China Guangzhou)
 China, Wuhan CT                1.26 MB/s       10.67 MB/s      301.32 ms       China Telecom Wuhan Branch (China Wuhan)
 China, Shenyang CM             10.37 MB/s      11.13 MB/s      289.68 ms       ChinaMobile, Liaoning Branch (China Shenyang)
 China, Hangzhou CM             Fail: Latency test failed for both TCP, and no HTTP URL available.
 China, Nanning CM              Fail: Latency test failed for both TCP, and no HTTP URL available.
 China, Lanzhou CM              10.84 MB/s      10.25 MB/s      285.98 ms       Lanzhou,China Mobile,Gansu (China Lanzhou)
 Hong Kong, CSL                 10.37 MB/s      11.82 MB/s      217.91 ms       CSL (Hong Kong Kwai Chung)
 Hong Kong, PCCW                10.75 MB/s      11.42 MB/s      209.34 ms       STC (China Hong Kong)
 Korea, South Korea             10.78 MB/s      10.82 MB/s      211.64 ms (South Korea Seoul)
 Japan, GLBB                    10.50 MB/s      2.79 MB/s       180.62 ms       Allied Telesis Capital Corporation (Japan Fussa-shi)
 Taiwan, FET                    10.35 MB/s      11.30 MB/s      232.13 ms       FarEasTone Telecom (Taiwan Keelung City)
 Taiwan, Chief                  10.27 MB/s      11.09 MB/s      189.11 ms       Chief Telecom (Taiwan Taoyuan)
 Taiwan, TWM                    9.42 MB/s       9.85 MB/s       278.18 ms       Taiwan Mobile (Taiwan Taoyuan)
 Singapore, Singtel             10.93 MB/s      10.31 MB/s      243.31 ms       Singtel (Singapore Singapore)
 Singapore, M1                  10.66 MB/s      11.06 MB/s      234.91 ms       M1 Limited (Republic of Singapore Singapore)
 China, Nanjing CT              11.07 MB/s      11.59 MB/s      245.20 ms       China Telecom JiangSu 5G (China Nanjing)
 China, Guangzhou CT            0.34 MB/s       6.06 MB/s       266.12 ms       ChinaTelecom 5G (China Guangzhou)
 China, Wuhan CT                1.26 MB/s       10.67 MB/s      301.32 ms       China Telecom Wuhan Branch (China Wuhan)
 China, Shenyang CM             10.37 MB/s      11.13 MB/s      289.68 ms       ChinaMobile, Liaoning Branch (China Shenyang)
 China, Hangzhou CM             Fail: Latency test failed for both TCP, and no HTTP URL available.
 China, Nanning CM              Fail: Latency test failed for both TCP, and no HTTP URL available.
 China, Lanzhou CM              10.84 MB/s      10.25 MB/s      285.98 ms       Lanzhou,China Mobile,Gansu (China Lanzhou)
 Hong Kong, CSL                 10.37 MB/s      11.82 MB/s      217.91 ms       CSL (Hong Kong Kwai Chung)
 Hong Kong, PCCW                10.75 MB/s      11.42 MB/s      209.34 ms       STC (China Hong Kong)
 Korea, South Korea             10.78 MB/s      10.82 MB/s      211.64 ms (South Korea Seoul)
 Japan, GLBB                    10.50 MB/s      2.79 MB/s       180.62 ms       Allied Telesis Capital Corporation (Japan Fussa-shi)
 Taiwan, FET                    10.35 MB/s      11.30 MB/s      232.13 ms       FarEasTone Telecom (Taiwan Keelung City)
 Taiwan, Chief                  10.27 MB/s      11.09 MB/s      189.11 ms       Chief Telecom (Taiwan Taoyuan)
 Taiwan, TWM                    9.42 MB/s       9.85 MB/s       278.18 ms       Taiwan Mobile (Taiwan Taoyuan)
 Singapore, Singtel             10.93 MB/s      10.31 MB/s      243.31 ms       Singtel (Singapore Singapore)
 Singapore, M1                  10.66 MB/s      11.06 MB/s      234.91 ms       M1 Limited (Republic of Singapore Singapore)
 Singapore, NME                 10.89 MB/s      11.24 MB/s      254.03 ms       NewMedia Express (Republic of Singapore Singapore)
 USA, Century Link              10.97 MB/s      11.24 MB/s      75.62 ms        CenturyLink (United States Seattle, WA)


抽奖 u 也是保底,没抽到 i5 ,也就这样吧



From: [email protected]
To: You


Unfortunately OVH currently doesn't accept customers from China. This is why you couldn't select your country when creating your account.

We apologize for any issues that this situation could cause you.

Please note that your current order has been cancelled and you should receive your money back in the next 7 to 10 business days.

OVH Validation Team

